February 2008
Greetings! So much has been going on, where to start? As some of you may have heard there have been big changes for both of us. After about 25 years in Philadelphia, Beverly moved to Athens Georgia to be with her partner, Brian Darnell. And Carl is moving out of Dittyville! Yes, sadly, that old house where we have recorded both of our cd’s and had many a happy time is being torn down. We will miss it! It was too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. We had to record between 10:00 pm amd 7:00 am when the roads were quietest so we stayed up all night and tried to sleep all day. And we couldn’t turn on the heater cause it made too much noise and the house was uninsulated and freezing. But we loved it! Carl is still looking for the right place for him and Tyler, his son. That’s an end of an era but, as Carl says, Dittyville is a state of mind. It will be fun to see what’s next.
We’ve got plenty on our plate for the spring and summer. We were hoping to have a new recording but things got complicated with the loss of Carl’s house. We’ve got the project started, just on hold for a bit. In the meantime we’ll be going back to Texas, British Columbia, the UK and France, not to mention our festivals and camps in the summer. We’ll be back at Mars Hill, Swannanoa and SAMW and looking forward to seeing old friends there. Please check out our schedule for udates. We’ll be heading to the Northwest in April and are just figuring that out now. Our friend from Vancouver, Linda Bull, is kindly helping us with gigs.
That’s about all the news from Dittyville for the moment. Thanks for visiting!
Carl Jones and Beverly Smith
See some of the old News Pages:
May 2006
April 2005
July 2004
March 2003